Salesman setting
1. Go to setting from side bar> Maintain Salesman> select a salesman
2. In Salesman setting, If the salesman want to use customer route management. Make sure Customer Route Management Setting is turn on.
Customer setting
1. Go to setting Customer from menu side bar> Route Management list.
2. On the Route Management List page, Click on Create New route Code
3. In Create New Route List page, You will need to create key in route code, Select company, Assign to agent and reset call week option. Once done, Click on the Create button.
4. Once done created new route, You may find the new Route from the list. Click on the route plan button.
5. From the customer list. From the action column, click on the (+) button
6. The menu for the selected will be enabled. You may select the Call Day, Frequency(Days), Call Type from the drop down menu. To edit the start date, You click edit route plan button.
7. In Edit route plan list, select the start date. Once done selected the start date, You can update. Inform the salesman to sync in App to view the route management list from customer list.